As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.

Conscious Evolution
1 min readSep 18, 2018
The universal man

“Make no mistake: our survival is at stake here. We have repeatedly failed to stay within the modest targets politicians have set themselves. Humanity’s only way out of the problem is to form a united global co-operative that spans the planet. Then the tragedy of the commons disappears. In many ways this is already happening. As the Ancient Greeks imagined, we must be as cells in the great body of humanity.

This is not an idealist’s pipe dream. This is the natural trajectory of evolution, something that has been achieved again and again at all stages of life on this planet.

I fully understand that some people don’t think this way, that some people only care about “them and their own”. Others have broadened this circle to include members of their nation as “their own”. But an increasingly vocal minority are waking up to the understanding that unless “their own” comes to mean humanity as a whole, then there won’t be any of “us or them” left at all…”

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